In-House NLP Training in Cardiff and South Wales
In-house training is available for groups, organisations and companies. These can be qualification trainings or bespoke courses based around your needs and requirements. I also run a series of workshops and seminars, to inspire you please go here.
Save Up To £10,000
Because I charge a day rate rather than a per delegate rate for in-house courses it can often work out considerably more cost effective than booking on “open course”. For example, if you ran an in-house NLP Practitioner course for your employees you would save approximately £10,000 compared to booking them all on a a public course.
Partners and Clients
I am proud to have established working relationships to provided in-house training, coaching and support for a number of top companies and organisations over the past 15+ years. Here are just a few:
I look forward to building the same relationship with you in the future. To discuss anything further or to arrange a meeting, please contact me.